BF Servizi, already certified BS OHSAS 18001 e ISO 9001 for the organization of events, pursuant to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, has obtained the extension of the Quality Certification also for the planning and realization of exhibitions in the exhibition and congress area.

The certifying body Kiwa Cermet has positively assessed the inspections carried out during the year 2019 and issued on 14/05/19 the certificate that officially certifies compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard for the planning and realization of stands in the fair and congress area and event organization.

The entire BF Servizi family is proud of the objective achieved, but is aware of the fact that the certification is not the goal, but the starting point of a path that involves continuous renewal, able to give the right motivation to continue to improve to offer cutting-edge services.